

天 道 酬 勤 - 守 信 篤 誠(chéng)

姓名: Baughman 狀態(tài): 未處理 留言時(shí)間: 2020-05-19 5:04:38
Stem cell therapy has proven itself to be one of the most effective treatments for Parkinson's Disease. IMC is the leader in stem cell therapies in Mexico. For more information on how we can treat Parkinson's Disease please visit: https://bit.ly/parkinson-integramedicalcenter
姓名: BTC WAVE 狀態(tài): 未處理 留言時(shí)間: 2020-05-18 12:39:50
標(biāo)題: OWNER tianshou.com $13,000 a day
Take a ride on the Bitcoin wave and earn $13,000 a day You have only 10 MINUTES, to sign up in the system https://vk.cc/au67cr
姓名: Margaret 狀態(tài): 未處理 留言時(shí)間: 2020-05-12 9:40:33
Log into: https://bit.ly/exercisefitnessandhealth Free to all who need it - and everyone does need it. My Blog explains all you need to know about exercise - what it involves, how it is measured, how much you should take, the effect on health and lifespan and the great improvement in quality of life which regular physical activity brings Sign up and I will send you a weekly update
姓名: Reyes 狀態(tài): 未處理 留言時(shí)間: 2020-05-10 19:00:46
PLEASE FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO SOMEONE IN YOUR COMPANY WHO IS ALLOWED TO MAKE IMPORTANT DECISIONS! We have hacked your website http://www.jiudinghuagong.com and extracted your databases. How did this happen? Our team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database credentials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server. What does this mean? We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your site http://www.jiudinghuagong.com was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index our targets. How do I stop this? We are willing to refrain from destroying your site's reputation for a small fee. The current fee is $2000 USD in bitcoins (BTC). Send the bitcoin to the following Bitcoin address (Copy and paste as it is case sensitive): 1HGxLfhnMzPEzWD7YeBwtWUGj3E2Q2YJKE Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment within 5 days after receiving this notice or the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WILL start! How do I get Bitcoins? You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM. We suggest you https://cex.io/ for buying bitcoins. What if I don’t pay? If you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there’s no counter measure to this, you will only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers. This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, don’t try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again! Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have complied.
姓名: Tichenor 狀態(tài): 未處理 留言時(shí)間: 2020-05-10 1:33:46
Do you want more people to visit your website? Receive tons of people who are ready to buy sent directly to your website. Boost your profits fast. Start seeing results in as little as 48 hours. To get details Have a look at: http://bit.ly/trafficmasters2020

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